Heat Trust's stakeholder Committee provides independent oversight of our Scheme.

The Committee's role is set out in our Company Bye-Laws (you can find a copy of these here). Its duties include recommending changes to our Scheme, through Modification Proposals, that it believes would better facilitate achievement of our Scheme Objectives. Heat Trust's Board makes the final decision on whether to approve Scheme Modification Proposals.

The Committee's members are drawn from relevant industry sectors, including heat suppliers as well as consumer and trade bodies. Representatives from Ofgem, DESNZ and Scottish Government also attend.

All Committee Members are required to act independently of their company in the best interests of our Scheme. Meetings are run by an independent Chair and Heat Trust provides the Secretariat.

The current Committee Members are:

Role Name Company Voting?
Independent Chair Karen McArthur N/A Casting
ADE representative Mike Tisdell Association of Decentralised Energy (ADE) Yes
Consumer representative Alistair Hill Consumer Scotland Yes
Consumer representative Anne Pardoe Citizens Advice Yes
Consumer representative Christine Tate Scope Yes
Consumer representative Matthew Lee Citizens Advice Scotland Yes
Relevant sector representative Sarah Diver Adjuvo Ltd  Yes
Independent expert Ed Weightman Severn Trent Yes
Independent expert Emma Ashcroft Carbon Trust Yes
Independent expert Lorraine Haskell Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) Yes
Registered Participant representative Aleksandra Bak Veolia Yes
Registered Participant representative Rosie-may Tilley SSE Yes
Board representative Anna Eagar Heat Trust Board No
UK Government representative Tom Kavanagh-Rose Department for Energy Security & Net Zero No
Scottish Government representative Malcolm Rose Scottish Government No
Ofgem representative Tricia Quinn Ofgem No


Following a change to our Company Bye-Laws, all non-confidential Committee meeting minutes for 2024 onwards will now be published here. We hope that this aids transparency and helps support the transition to future Ofgem regulation.

February 2024 Committee Meeting Minutes - Public

May 2024 Committee Meeting Minutes - Public